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Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting

While following through our tutorials, you might have had questions regarding the details of the requirements and specifications. We have listed out the frequently asked questions and as a separate document. Please refer to the relevant information below:

Format Requirements

General requirements for a model

  • A model should be in safetensors format.
  • The model should NOT be nested inside another directory.
  • Including other arbitrary files (that are not in the list) is totally fine. However, those files will not be downloaded nor used.
YessafetensorsModel weight, e.g. model-00001-of-00002.safetensors
Yesconfig.jsonModel config file that includes the architecture. (Supported Models on Friendli)
Yestokenizer.jsonTokenizer for the model
Notokenizer_config.jsonTokenizer config. This should be present & have a chat_template field for the Friendli Engine to provide chat APIs

General requirements for a dataset

3rd-party account integration

User settings

How to integrate a Hugging Face account

  • If you revoke / invalidate the key, you will have to update the key in order to not disrupt ongoing deployments, or to launch a new inference deployment / fine-tuning job

How to integrate a W&B account

  • If you revoke / invalidate the key, you will have to update the key in order to not disrupt ongoing deployments, or to launch a new inference deployment / fine-tuning job

Extra: How to upload a safetensors format model to W&B using W&B CLI

wandb artifact put -n project/artifact_id --type model /path/to/dir
  • With all this, the W&B artifact will look like this:

W&B artifact

Using 3rd-party model

How to use a W&B artifact as a model

W&B artifact as a model

  • Use the full name of the artifact
  • The artifact name must be in the format of: org/project/artifact_id:version

How to use a Hugging Face repository as a model

HF artifact as a model

  • Use the repository id of the model. You may select the entry from the list of autocompleted model repositories.
  • You may choose specific branch, or manually enter a commit hash.

Using W&B with Dedicated Fine-tuning

  • When launching a fine-tuning job, you can designate a W&B project that the metrics will be exported to. If you provide a W&B project name that already exists, your job will be added to that project. Otherwise, a new W&B project will be automatically created in your integrated W&B account. If the project name is not provided, it defaults to “friendliai”.

W&B project

  • As the training starts, you will be able to see a new “Run” in the project you chose.

W&B Run

  • By clicking the project, you can easily track & monitor the status of the training job.

W&B Log


Can’t access the artifact

Troubleshooting - can't access

  • The artifact might be nonexistent, or hidden so that you cannot access it.

You don’t have access to this gated model

Troubleshooting - no access

  • The repository is gated. Please follow the steps and gain approval from the owner using Hugging Face Hub.

The repository / artifact is invalid

Troubleshooting - invalid repo Troubleshooting - invalid artifact

  • The model does not meet the requirements. Please check if the model follows a correct safetensors format.

The architecture is not supported

Troubleshooting - unsupported